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SoBenefik, the latest concept from Epi Ingrédients!

LAÏTA | Epi Ingrédients launches new concept SoBenefik, a high protein yoghurt produced exclusively from ultrafiltered milk powders.

Following the success of SoFlexi, the first concept in the SoUnik range, Epi Ingrédients is excited to introduce its latest concept SoBenefik, a high protein yoghurt produced exclusively from ultrafiltered milk powders. Designed to showcase the exclusive properties of Epi Ingrédients' product offering, SoUnik is a range of trending finished product concepts, developed to help food and nutrition industry professionals picture what they can do with the company's ingredients.

SoBenefik, the brand new addition to the range, is a protein-packed yoghurt, that is low in lactose and contains live cultures and 8% protein. It boasts a rich and creamy texture yet is low in fat. This is made possible thanks to EPIPROT 60 UL, a native milk protein concentrate produced directly from fresh milk through a unique ultra low temperature process which results in minimal denaturation and optimal functional and nutritional properties.

SoBenefik also provides nearly 30% of the recommended daily calcium intake (per 100g serving). This product was developed with the end consumer in mind, as a healthy, convenient and accessible snack for increasingly time-deprived modern consumers. Click here to read the press release.